Pharaoh Hipster / A Drawing in a free day / ฟาโรห์ฮิปสเตอร์ ในที่สุดก็ได้วาดรูปอีกครั้ง
August 03, 2014
P HA R A O H /// H I P S T E R
HI friends! It's been quite a long time
since I haven't updated my lovely blog, well
I have been busy with my new job, yeah, that's life..
and I haven't draw anything for such a while
and had no inspiration at all, maybe I just need to
go somewhere new, meet new things new people
and draw something. Yeah I know
So.. let's meet my Pharaoh
(I thought it was Pharoah but it's Pharaoh, whatever)
Well, I had no idea why I drew this
but I like it...
let's meet my drawings again soon
Music I recommend >