dear baby

November 09, 2010

Dear my baby,
You know who because you're reading it
(Or never, But it's ok I know you don't always give me attentions)
But I just want to let you know that
I want to thank you for all of those things
That you did to me,
You gave me,
All of those things are love for me
And I keep it in a box beneath my bed,
I always staring at them by no reason
When I miss you.
Or when I'm sad or happy.
Because you are caring person which I didn't know before
You are adorable :)
Even if you love someone else, I still love you
And also need you.
I think you love me, I know it just a little bit
Of your love,
I knew it from the moment I look into your eyes,
Those pretty eyes,
So adorable!
And I'm always shy when I'm around you
Or standing in front of you,
Everything you do can make me melt into the ground
Because I really really in love with you!
But I don't see you now,
You re in another place where I can find you anytime I want
But I won't.
Because I know there's someone you love
Who are there,
And I don't want to be hurt again
So I choose to stay here,
Waiting for the time
To see you again
My love :)
Well I don't expect things from you baby!
I just,.
Love you
Like this!


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