Hej friends!
I don't know if there's someone still read my blog at the moment
since I have been really busy and left my blog behind, for a while,
but now I'm back just a little while, I guess I just want to write some news
I've got a next big things I'll have to do that is I'm going to Europe
travelling alone for the very first time and will work a volunteer work,
explore things, meet cool people and fall in love (with everything)
I'm going to stay in Sweden for a month (or a little less but I'll love it)
and then Budapest, Milan and some other cities in Italy and yeah,
the last would be Paris, that I really wish I could see someone
I've been waiting for like 5 years and I hope we can meet :)
There's gonna be a lot of new things to learn and to fall in love with
to grow up and to walk unafraid. See you again x